Verb Dictionary form <動詞辞書形(どうし じしょけい> 【Japanese grammar commentary】
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Verb Dictionary form
<動詞辞書形(どうし じしょけい>
We have studied "Verb てform(動詞て形)" before.
There are many forms of verb conjugation, and the dictionary form is one of them.
The verb conjugated with "ます" is called "ます-form(ます形)," and the “dictionary form(辞書形(じしょけい))” is the form found in dictionaries.
Today we are going to study how to conjugate verbs from the "ますform(ます形) " to the “dictionary form(辞書形(じしょけい)).”
Before studying “dictionary form(辞書形(じしょけい))”, please review if you have forgotten about verb groups.
<Ⅰグループ (group 1)>
Group 1: "i-masu" is changed to "-u".
To remove "ます" and change the letter "いcolumn " before "ます" to "うcolumn".
行きます(いきます)⇒行く(いく) 読みます(よみます)⇒読む(よむ)
買います(かいます)⇒買う(かう) 話します(はなします)⇒話す(はなす)
<Ⅱグループ (group 2)>
Group 2: Change"ます" to "る".
To remove "ます" and add "る" at the end.
食べます(たべます)⇒食べる(たべる) 寝ます(ねます)⇒寝る(ねる)
見ます(みます)⇒見る(みる) 借ります(かります)⇒借りる(かりる)
<Ⅲグループ (group 3)>
Group 3: "来る(くる)" and "する"
"来ます(きます)"becomes "来る(くる)" and "します"becomes"する."
します ⇒する
勉強します(べんきょうします) ⇒勉強する(べんきょうする)