Nihongoいちにのさん -For Japanese lanugage learners-

This blog is written for Japanese language learners.

Elementary grammar

N/V辞書形(Vじしょform)+こと ができます 【Japanese grammar commentary】 

Hello and welcome to Nihongoいちにのさん!!Let's study Japanese grammar together. N/V辞書形(Vじしょform)+こと ができます Today, we are going to study "できます". "できます" is a verb that expresses a person has the ability to do somethin…


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Verb Dictionary form <動詞辞書形(どうし じしょけい> 【Japanese grammar commentary】

Hello and welcome to Nihongoいちにのさん!!Let's study Japanese grammar together. Verb Dictionary form <動詞辞書形(どうし じしょけい> We have studied "Verb てform(動詞て形)" before. There are many forms of verb…

い・なA/N+て <Connecting adjectival and nominal sentences> 【Japanese grammar commentary】

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N1は N2が い/なA 【Japanese grammar commentary】

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~ましょうか <Vます形+ましょうか> 【Japanese grammar commentary】

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Japanese Grammar Commentary Video

Hello and welcome to Nihongoいちにのさん!! Thank you for reading Nihongo Ichininosan's articles.We are glad if the explanations in this blog are useful for your study. We have an announcement for you all today. We are currently working on …

~ています <Vて形+います>②

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~ています <Vて形+います>① 

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~てください <Vて形+ください>

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N1はN2に あります/います

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N1とN2と どちらが いA/なA ですか  N1/N2のほうが いA/なA です

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N1はN2より いA/なA です 

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Nが あります(arimasu) /います(imasu) 

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もう Vました

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N1で N2が いちばん な/いA

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Verb て(te)form <動詞て形> 【Japanese grammar commentary】

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Verb Groups    動詞(どうし)のグループ

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Vに いきます/きます/かえります

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Nが すきです/きらいです

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Nが ほしいです

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Interrogative words (Question words)⑥  どうして(dōshite) 【Japanese grammar commentary】

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から  Reason+から(kara)

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Nでした(deshita)/Nじゃ ありませんでした(ja arimasendeshita)

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なに/どこ/だれ+か interrogative words + particleか 

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