Nihongoいちにのさん -For Japanese lanugage learners-

This blog is written for Japanese language learners.

Verb Dictionary form <動詞辞書形(どうし じしょけい> 【Japanese grammar commentary】

Hello and welcome to Nihongoいちにのさん!!
Let's study Japanese grammar together.


Verb Dictionary form 

   <動詞辞書形(どうし じしょけい> 


We have studied "Verb てform(動詞て形)" before.


There are many forms of verb conjugation, and the dictionary form is one of them.

The verb conjugated with "ます" is called "ます-form(ます形)," and the “dictionary form(辞書形(じしょけい))” is the form found in dictionaries. 

Today we are going to study how to conjugate verbs from the "ますform(ます形) " to the “dictionary form(辞書形(じしょけい)).”


Before studying “dictionary form(辞書形(じしょけい))”, please review if you have forgotten about verb groups.



<Ⅰグループ (group 1)> 


Group 1: "i-masu" is changed to "-u".

To remove "ます" and change the letter "いcolumn " before "ます" to "うcolumn".




 行きます(いきます)⇒行く(いく) 読みます(よみます)⇒読む(よむ) 

 買います(かいます)⇒買う(かう) 話します(はなします)⇒話す(はなす)




<Ⅱグループ (group 2)> 

Group 2: Change"ます" to "る".

To remove "ます" and add "る" at the end.





 食べます(たべます)⇒食べる(たべる)  寝ます(ねます)⇒寝る(ねる)

 見ます(みます)⇒見る(みる)           借ります(かります)⇒借りる(かりる)



<Ⅲグループ (group 3)> 

Group 3: "来る(くる)" and  "する"

"来ます(きます)"becomes "来る(くる)" and "します"becomes"する."






します ⇒する

勉強します(べんきょうします) ⇒勉強する(べんきょうする)







N1は N2が い/なA 【Japanese grammar commentary】


This article has been moved.

Please access the new site at the URL below.

~ましょうか <Vます形+ましょうか> 【Japanese grammar commentary】


This article has been moved.

Please access the new site at the URL below.

Japanese Grammar Commentary Video

Hello and welcome to Nihongoいちにのさん!!

Thank you for reading Nihongo Ichininosan's articles.
We are glad if the explanations in this blog are useful for your study.

We have an announcement for you all today.


We are currently working on a video to explain Japanese grammar so that we can better assist you in your Japanese studies.


If you are interested, check it out.



We are working carefully to make the explanations easy to understand, so the speed of updates may be slow...

But we will do our best to make it, so please take a look!!



Thank you and have a nice day:)






~ています <Vて形+います>②


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Please access the new site at the URL below.